Published on September 9, 2017 By MrSwiveller In Skinning

Hey guys,

I've been trying to figure out how to change the font in Windows 10 search boxes: the one that is used in the file explorer and, if you have a start menu replacement like Start10,  the 'Search Programs and Files' box.

I know Windowblinds can change the font, but I would like to be able to alter the font independently of the skin that I am using at a given point in time. Most specifically, I would like to be able to switch between 'normal' and italic fonts.

Does anyone know how to do this? Is it a matter of changing one or two registry keys, for instance?

Many thanks in advance!

on Sep 17, 2017

Try WinAero Tweaker

You can change your fonts everywhere plus do all other kinds of changes. It's free, the only thing is if you change your theme like windowblinds you have to go back and change your fonts again.

on Sep 21, 2017

Thank you for your suggestion, but that application is not capable of changing the search box font specifically. It can only replace the system and status bar fonts - neither of which will result in the search box using an italic font (and other fonts remaining 'normal').